First, measure your wrist with a flexible measuring tape or a piece of string. Overlap the ends & cut the string. This part is not necessary with a flexible measuring tape (just remember or write down the measurement). For the string, put it on a ruler for the measurement. Once you’ve got the size, add 1/2” and that’s the size you order.
NEVER NEVER NEVER stretch your bracelet while putting it on. NEVER play with it & stretch it. Most bracelets break because they are being over-stretched. Over time, the elastic can dry out and break if in water too much. Touch your pinky & your thumb together, stretch your remaining fingers straight up & together. Place your bracelet over all your fingers. Now drop it & ROLL it the remainder of the way down to your wrist. If measured properly, you should be able to slide a finger between your wrist & the bracelet. ROLL it off… DO NOT stretch & pull.